Exception Handling
Below is a list of 25 Java programming tasks focused on exception handling and their types, ranging from basic to advanced:
Basic Task: Divide by Zero Exception Handling
Description: Write a program that takes two numbers as input from the user and performs division. Handle the "ArithmeticException" that occurs when dividing by zero.
Basic Task: Array Index Out of Bounds Exception
Description: Create an array and attempt to access an element at an index beyond its length. Handle the "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" that occurs.
Basic Task: Input Mismatch Exception
Description: Use a Scanner to read an integer from the user's input. Handle the "InputMismatchException" that occurs when the input is not an integer.
Basic Task: Null Pointer Exception
Description: Declare a reference variable without initializing it and try to access a method or field. Handle the "NullPointerException" that occurs.
Basic Task: File Not Found Exception
Description: Attempt to open a non-existent file using FileReader. Handle the "FileNotFoundException" that occurs.
Intermediate Task: Custom Exception
Description: Define a custom exception class (e.g., "InvalidInputException") that extends "Exception". Throw this exception when specific conditions are met in your program.
Intermediate Task: Multiple Catch Blocks
Description: Write a program that divides two numbers and handles different types of exceptions separately using multiple catch blocks.
Intermediate Task: Try with Resources
Description: Use the "try-with-resources" statement to automatically close resources like a file or database connection after they are no longer needed.
Intermediate Task: Chained Exceptions
Description: Demonstrate chained exceptions by throwing one exception from another using the "initCause()" method.
Intermediate Task: Exception Propagation
Description: Write a program with multiple method calls and demonstrate how exceptions are propagated through the call stack until they are caught.
Intermediate Task: Checked vs Unchecked Exceptions
Description: Write a program that demonstrates the differences between checked and unchecked exceptions. Handle checked exceptions using try-catch blocks and unchecked exceptions using default exception handling.
Intermediate Task: Rethrowing Exceptions
Description: Write a method that catches an exception, performs some logging or cleanup, and then rethrows the same exception to be handled by the caller.
Intermediate Task: Exception Handling in Multithreading
Description: Create a multithreaded program where each thread performs some task that may throw an exception. Implement exception handling to catch and handle exceptions in each thread.
Advanced Task: Stack Trace Analysis
Description: Write a program that analyzes the stack trace of an exception to identify the cause of the error and suggest possible solutions.
Advanced Task: Exception Logging
Description: Implement a logging mechanism to log exceptions along with their stack traces to a file or console for debugging purposes.
Advanced Task: Global Exception Handling
Description: Implement a global exception handler that catches unhandled exceptions in your program and performs appropriate actions such as logging or displaying error messages.
Advanced Task: Exception Handling in Web Applications
Description: Create a web application using Java Servlets or Spring MVC and implement exception handling mechanisms to gracefully handle errors and display custom error pages to users.
Advanced Task: Transaction Management with Exception Handling
Description: Implement transaction management in a database application using JDBC or JPA. Handle exceptions that occur during database operations and ensure data integrity by rolling back transactions when errors occur.
Advanced Task: Exception Handling in RESTful APIs
Description: Develop a RESTful API using Java with exception handling mechanisms to return appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages in response to client requests.
Advanced Task: Custom Error Responses
Description: Extend your web application or API to return custom error responses in JSON format with detailed error messages and error codes for different types of exceptions.
Advanced Task: Exception Handling in Distributed Systems
Description: Implement exception handling strategies for dealing with errors in distributed systems, including remote procedure calls, message queues, and microservices architectures.
Advanced Task: Exception Driven Development (EDD)
Description: Adopt an "Exception Driven Development" approach where you write tests that intentionally throw exceptions first, then implement code to make the tests pass, ensuring robust error handling from the start.
Advanced Task: Performance Optimization with Exception Handling
Description: Analyze the performance impact of exception handling in your application and optimize critical code paths by minimizing the use of exceptions or avoiding expensive exception handling constructs.
Advanced Task: Circuit Breaker Pattern
Description: Implement the "Circuit Breaker" pattern to prevent cascading failures in distributed systems by temporarily blocking requests to a failing service and returning cached responses or fallback values.
Advanced Task: Fault Tolerance and Resilience
Description: Design fault-tolerant and resilient systems by implementing strategies such as retries, timeouts, circuit breakers, and fallback mechanisms to handle transient errors and ensure system stability under adverse conditions.
Completing these tasks will enhance your understanding and proficiency in exception handling in Java programming.
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