
Expressions are fundamental building blocks in Java programming. They represent a combination of variables, operators, and constants that produce a value. Understanding expressions is crucial for writing efficient and correct Java code. In this documentation, we will explore various types of expressions in Java along with suitable examples.

Types of Expressions

  1. Arithmetic Expressions

    • Addition

    • Subtraction

    • Multiplication

    • Division

    • Modulus

  2. Relational Expressions

    • Equal to

    • Not equal to

    • Greater than

    • Less than

    • Greater than or equal to

    • Less than or equal to

  3. Logical Expressions

    • AND

    • OR

    • NOT

  4. Assignment Expressions

    • Simple Assignment

    • Compound Assignment

  5. Conditional (Ternary) Expression

    • Basic Ternary Operator

    • Nested Ternary Operators

  6. Bitwise Expressions

    • AND (&)

    • OR (|)

    • XOR (^)

    • Bitwise NOT (~)

    • Left Shift (<<)

    • Right Shift (>>)

    • Unsigned Right Shift (>>>)

  7. Instanceof Expression

  8. Type Cast Expression

  9. Method Call Expression

  10. Array Access Expression

  11. String Concatenation Expression

1. Arithmetic Expressions

Addition (+)

int result = 5 + 3; // result will be 8

Subtraction (-)

int result = 10 - 4; // result will be 6

Multiplication (*)

int result = 6 * 7; // result will be 42

Division (/)

double result = 15.0 / 4.0; // result will be 3.75

Modulus (%)

int result = 17 % 4; // result will be 1

2. Relational Expressions

Equal to (==)

boolean isEqual = (5 == 5); // isEqual will be true

Not equal to (!=)

boolean isNotEqual = (6 != 3); // isNotEqual will be true

Greater than (>)

boolean isGreaterThan = (10 > 8); // isGreaterThan will be true

Less than (<)

boolean isLessThan = (3 < 9); // isLessThan will be true

Greater than or equal to (>=)

boolean isGreaterOrEqual = (7 >= 7); // isGreaterOrEqual will be true

Less than or equal to (<=)

boolean isLessOrEqual = (4 <= 6); // isLessOrEqual will be true

3. Logical Expressions

AND (&&)

boolean result = true && false; // result will be false

OR (||)

boolean result = true || false; // result will be true

NOT (!)

boolean result = !true; // result will be false

4. Assignment Expressions

Simple Assignment (=)

int x = 10; // x is assigned the value 10

Compound Assignment (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=)

int y = 5;
y += 3; // y will be 8

5. Conditional (Ternary) Expression

Basic Ternary Operator

int age = 18;
String message = (age >= 18) ? "Adult" : "Minor";

Nested Ternary Operators

int score = 75;
String result = (score >= 90) ? "A" : (score >= 80) ? "B" : (score >= 70) ? "C" : "D";

6. Bitwise Expressions

AND (&)

int result = 5 & 3; // result will be 1

OR (|)

int result = 5 | 3; // result will be 7

XOR (^)

int result = 5 ^ 3; // result will be 6

Bitwise NOT (~)

int result = ~5; // result will be -6

Left Shift (<<)

int result = 5 << 2; // result will be 20

Right Shift (>>)

int result = 16 >> 2; // result will be 4

Unsigned Right Shift (>>>)

int result = -16 >>> 2; // result will be 1073741820

7. instanceof Expression

Object obj = new String("Hello");
boolean isString = obj instanceof String; // isString will be true

8. Type Cast Expression

double doubleValue = 5.67;
int intValue = (int) doubleValue; // intValue will be 5

9. Method Call Expression

String text = "Hello, World!";
int length = text.length(); // length will be 13

10. Array Access Expression

int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int thirdNumber = numbers[2]; // thirdNumber will be 3

11. String Concatenation Expression

String firstName = "John";
String lastName = "Doe";
String fullName = firstName + " " + lastName; // fullName will be "John Doe"

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of various Java expressions with examples.

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