Final Projects - REST Apis


Online Bookstore API


CRUD operations for books, authors, and genres. Search functionality for books by title, author, or genre. User authentication and authorization (admin and customer roles). Customers can add books to a shopping cart and place orders. Order history tracking.


Develop an online bookstore application where users can browse, search, and purchase books. The admin can manage the inventory of books, authors, and genres.

APIs List

GET /books, POST /books, PUT /books/{id}, DELETE /books/{id}, GET /authors, POST /authors, PUT /authors/{id}, DELETE /authors/{id}, GET /genres, POST /genres, PUT /genres/{id}, DELETE /genres/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, POST /cart, GET /cart, DELETE /cart/{id}, POST /orders, GET /orders


Employee Management System


CRUD operations for employees, departments, and roles. Authentication and authorization (admin, manager, and employee roles). Manager can assign tasks to employees. Employees can update task status. Generate reports on employee performance.


Create a system to manage employee data, departments, and roles. Managers can assign tasks and generate performance reports.

APIs List

GET /employees, POST /employees, PUT /employees/{id}, DELETE /employees/{id}, GET /departments, POST /departments, PUT /departments/{id}, DELETE /departments/{id}, GET /roles, POST /roles, PUT /roles/{id}, DELETE /roles/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, POST /tasks, GET /tasks, PUT /tasks/{id}, GET /reports


Hospital Management System


CRUD operations for patients, doctors, and appointments. Authentication and authorization (admin, doctor, and patient roles). Doctors can view and update patient records. Patients can book and cancel appointments. Notification system for appointment reminders.


Develop a hospital management system to handle patient records, doctor information, and appointment scheduling.

APIs List

GET /patients, POST /patients, PUT /patients/{id}, DELETE /patients/{id}, GET /doctors, POST /doctors, PUT /doctors/{id}, DELETE /doctors/{id}, GET /appointments, POST /appointments, PUT /appointments/{id}, DELETE /appointments/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /notifications


Online Learning Platform


CRUD operations for courses, instructors, and students. User authentication and authorization (admin, instructor, and student roles). Students can enroll in courses and access course materials. Instructors can create and update course content. Discussion forum for each course.


Create an online learning platform where students can enroll in courses, and instructors can manage course content and materials.

APIs List

GET /courses, POST /courses, PUT /courses/{id}, DELETE /courses/{id}, GET /instructors, POST /instructors, PUT /instructors/{id}, DELETE /instructors/{id}, GET /students, POST /students, PUT /students/{id}, DELETE /students/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /forum, POST /forum


Inventory Management System


CRUD operations for products, suppliers, and orders. User authentication and authorization (admin and staff roles). Track product stock levels. Generate purchase orders when stock is low. Reporting on inventory status.


Develop an inventory management system to keep track of product stock levels, suppliers, and orders.

APIs List

GET /products, POST /products, PUT /products/{id}, DELETE /products/{id}, GET /suppliers, POST /suppliers, PUT /suppliers/{id}, DELETE /suppliers/{id}, GET /orders, POST /orders, PUT /orders/{id}, DELETE /orders/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /reports


Task Management Application


CRUD operations for projects, tasks, and users. Authentication and authorization (admin, manager, and user roles). Users can create and update tasks. Tasks can be assigned to users. Notification system for task deadlines.


Create an application to manage projects and tasks, allowing users to create, update, and assign tasks with deadline notifications.

APIs List

GET /projects, POST /projects, PUT /projects/{id}, DELETE /projects/{id}, GET /tasks, POST /tasks, PUT /tasks/{id}, DELETE /tasks/{id}, GET /users, POST /users, PUT /users/{id}, DELETE /users/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /notifications


Real Estate Listing API


CRUD operations for properties, agents, and clients. User authentication and authorization (admin, agent, and client roles). Agents can list properties for sale or rent. Clients can search and inquire about properties. Bookmark and favorite properties functionality.


Develop a real estate listing application where agents can list properties and clients can search and inquire about them.

APIs List

GET /properties, POST /properties, PUT /properties/{id}, DELETE /properties/{id}, GET /agents, POST /agents, PUT /agents/{id}, DELETE /agents/{id}, GET /clients, POST /clients, PUT /clients/{id}, DELETE /clients/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, POST /favorites, GET /favorites, DELETE /favorites/{id}


Library Management System


CRUD operations for books, members, and loans. Authentication and authorization (admin, librarian, and member roles). Track book loans and returns. Notification system for overdue books. Search functionality for books by title or author.


Create a library management system to handle book inventory, member information, and book loans.

APIs List

GET /books, POST /books, PUT /books/{id}, DELETE /books/{id}, GET /members, POST /members, PUT /members/{id}, DELETE /members/{id}, GET /loans, POST /loans, PUT /loans/{id}, DELETE /loans/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /notifications


E-commerce API


CRUD operations for products, categories, and orders. User authentication and authorization (admin and customer roles). Customers can browse products and place orders. Shopping cart functionality. Order tracking and history.


Develop an e-commerce platform where customers can browse products, add them to a shopping cart, and place orders.

APIs List

GET /products, POST /products, PUT /products/{id}, DELETE /products/{id}, GET /categories, POST /categories, PUT /categories/{id}, DELETE /categories/{id}, GET /orders, POST /orders, PUT /orders/{id}, DELETE /orders/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, POST /cart, GET /cart, DELETE /cart/{id}, GET /order-history


Blog Management System


CRUD operations for posts, comments, and users. User authentication and authorization (admin, author, and reader roles). Authors can create and publish posts. Readers can comment on posts. Like and share functionality for posts.


Create a blog platform where authors can publish posts and readers can comment, like, and share posts.

APIs List

GET /posts, POST /posts, PUT /posts/{id}, DELETE /posts/{id}, GET /comments, POST /comments, PUT /comments/{id}, DELETE /comments/{id}, GET /users, POST /users, PUT /users/{id}, DELETE /users/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, POST /likes, GET /likes, DELETE /likes/{id}, POST /shares, GET /shares, DELETE /shares/{id}


Event Management System


CRUD operations for events, organizers, and attendees. User authentication and authorization (admin, organizer, and attendee roles). Organizers can create and manage events. Attendees can register for events. Notification system for event reminders.


Develop an event management system where organizers can create events and attendees can register and receive notifications.

APIs List

GET /events, POST /events, PUT /events/{id}, DELETE /events/{id}, GET /organizers, POST /organizers, PUT /organizers/{id}, DELETE /organizers/{id}, GET /attendees, POST /attendees, PUT /attendees/{id}, DELETE /attendees/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /notifications


Online Food Ordering System


CRUD operations for restaurants, menus, and orders. User authentication and authorization (admin, restaurant, and customer roles). Customers can browse menus and place orders. Order tracking and delivery status updates. Rating and review system for restaurants.


Create an online food ordering system where customers can browse restaurant menus and place orders for delivery.

APIs List

GET /restaurants, POST /restaurants, PUT /restaurants/{id}, DELETE /restaurants/{id}, GET /menus, POST /menus, PUT /menus/{id}, DELETE /menus/{id}, GET /orders, POST /orders, PUT /orders/{id}, DELETE /orders/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, POST /ratings, GET /ratings, DELETE /ratings/{id}, POST /reviews, GET /reviews, DELETE /reviews/{id}


Forum Management System


CRUD operations for forums, threads, and posts. User authentication and authorization (admin, moderator, and user roles). Users can create and reply to threads. Moderators can manage content and users. Like and report functionality for posts.


Develop a forum management system where users can create threads, reply to posts, and interact with each other.

APIs List

GET /forums, POST /forums, PUT /forums/{id}, DELETE /forums/{id}, GET /threads, POST /threads, PUT /threads/{id}, DELETE /threads/{id}, GET /posts, POST /posts, PUT /posts/{id}, DELETE /posts/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, POST /likes, GET /likes, DELETE /likes/{id}, POST /reports, GET /reports, DELETE /reports/{id}


Vehicle Rental System


CRUD operations for vehicles, rentals, and users. User authentication and authorization (admin, rental agent, and customer roles). Customers can browse available vehicles and make reservations. Track rental history and vehicle availability. Notification system for rental reminders.


Develop a vehicle rental system where customers can rent vehicles and manage their rental history.

APIs List

GET /vehicles, POST /vehicles, PUT /vehicles/{id}, DELETE /vehicles/{id}, GET /rentals, POST /rentals, PUT /rentals/{id}, DELETE /rentals/{id}, GET /users, POST /users, PUT /users/{id}, DELETE /users/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /notifications


Job Portal API


CRUD operations for job postings, companies, and applicants. User authentication and authorization (admin, recruiter, and applicant roles). Recruiters can post and manage job listings. Applicants can search and apply for jobs. Application tracking system.


Create a job portal where companies can post job listings and applicants can search and apply for jobs.

APIs List

GET /jobs, POST /jobs, PUT /jobs/{id}, DELETE /jobs/{id}, GET /companies, POST /companies, PUT /companies/{id}, DELETE /companies/{id}, GET /applicants, POST /applicants, PUT /applicants/{id}, DELETE /applicants/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, POST /applications, GET /applications, DELETE /applications/{id}


Expense Tracker API


CRUD operations for expenses, categories, and users. User authentication and authorization (admin and user roles). Users can log and categorize expenses. Generate monthly expense reports. Set budget limits and track spending.


Develop an expense tracker application where users can log and track their expenses, categorize them, and generate reports.

APIs List

GET /expenses, POST /expenses, PUT /expenses/{id}, DELETE /expenses/{id}, GET /categories, POST /categories, PUT /categories/{id}, DELETE /categories/{id}, GET /users, POST /users, PUT /users/{id}, DELETE /users/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /reports, POST /budgets, GET /budgets, DELETE /budgets/{id}


Customer Support Ticketing System


CRUD operations for tickets, customers, and agents. User authentication and authorization (admin, agent, and customer roles). Customers can submit and track support tickets. Agents can manage and resolve tickets. Reporting on ticket resolution times.


Create a customer support ticketing system where customers can submit support requests and agents can manage and resolve them.

APIs List

GET /tickets, POST /tickets, PUT /tickets/{id}, DELETE /tickets/{id}, GET /customers, POST /customers, PUT /customers/{id}, DELETE /customers/{id}, GET /agents, POST /agents, PUT /agents/{id}, DELETE /agents/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /reports


Fitness Tracking Application


CRUD operations for workouts, exercises, and users. User authentication and authorization (admin and user roles). Users can log workouts and track progress. Generate workout reports and statistics. Set fitness goals and track achievements.


Develop a fitness tracking application where users can log their workouts, track progress, and set fitness goals.

APIs List

GET /workouts, POST /workouts, PUT /workouts/{id}, DELETE /workouts/{id}, GET /exercises, POST /exercises, PUT /exercises/{id}, DELETE /exercises/{id}, GET /users, POST /users, PUT /users/{id}, DELETE /users/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /reports, POST /goals, GET /goals, DELETE /goals/{id}


Travel Booking System


CRUD operations for destinations, bookings, and users. User authentication and authorization (admin, travel agent, and customer roles). Customers can search for and book travel packages. Booking history and management. Notification system for booking confirmations.


Create a travel booking system where customers can browse and book travel packages, and manage their bookings.

APIs List

GET /destinations, POST /destinations, PUT /destinations/{id}, DELETE /destinations/{id}, GET /bookings, POST /bookings, PUT /bookings/{id}, DELETE /bookings/{id}, GET /users, POST /users, PUT /users/{id}, DELETE /users/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, GET /notifications


Social Media API


CRUD operations for users, posts, and comments. User authentication and authorization (admin, user roles). Users can create and share posts. Like, comment, and follow functionality. Notification system for interactions.


Develop a social media platform where users can create profiles, share posts, and interact with other users.

APIs List

GET /users, POST /users, PUT /users/{id}, DELETE /users/{id}, GET /posts, POST /posts, PUT /posts/{id}, DELETE /posts/{id}, GET /comments, POST /comments, PUT /comments/{id}, DELETE /comments/{id}, POST /auth/register, POST /auth/login, POST /likes, GET /likes, DELETE /likes/{id}, POST /follows, GET /follows, DELETE /follows/{id}, GET /notifications

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