Input / Output
Here are 20 problem statements that test your knowledge of console input/output in Java:
Print Message: Write a Java program to print "Hello, World!" to the console.
Read Integer: Prompt the user to enter an integer and then print it back to the console.
Read Double: Prompt the user to enter a double value and then print it back to the console.
Read String: Prompt the user to enter their name and then print a greeting message with their name.
Read Multiple Integers: Prompt the user to enter three integers separated by spaces and then print their sum.
Read Multiple Doubles: Prompt the user to enter three double values separated by commas and then print their average.
Read Character: Prompt the user to enter a single character and then print it back to the console.
Read Line: Prompt the user to enter a sentence and then print the sentence in uppercase letters.
Read Boolean: Prompt the user to enter a boolean value (true/false) and then print it back to the console.
Read Array: Prompt the user to enter five integers separated by spaces and then print the array in reverse order.
Read Matrix: Prompt the user to enter elements of a 3x3 matrix and then print the matrix.
Read Password: Prompt the user to enter a password (without displaying it) and then print "Access Granted" if the password is correct.
Read File Path: Prompt the user to enter a file path and then print the name of the file.
Read Age: Prompt the user to enter their age and then print "You are a minor" if the age is less than 18, otherwise print "You are an adult".
Read Name and Age: Prompt the user to enter their name and age, then print a message with their name and whether they are a minor or an adult.
Read Multiple Strings: Prompt the user to enter three words separated by commas and then print them in alphabetical order.
Read Two Numbers: Prompt the user to enter two numbers separated by a space, then print their sum, difference, product, and quotient.
Read Decimal Number: Prompt the user to enter a decimal number and then print its square root.
Read Date: Prompt the user to enter a date in the format "DD/MM/YYYY" and then print it in the format "Month DD, YYYY".
Read Color: Prompt the user to enter a color (red, green, blue) and then print a message based on the color (e.g., "You chose red").
Basic Input/Output: Prompt the user to enter their name and age, then print a greeting message with their name and age.
Read and Display Array: Prompt the user to enter five numbers separated by spaces, store them in an array, and then print the array.
Calculate Area: Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle, calculate the area, and print the result.
User Authentication: Ask the user to enter a username and password. If the username is "admin" and the password is "password123", print "Access granted"; otherwise, print "Access denied".
Calculate Discount: Prompt the user to enter the price of an item and the discount percentage. Calculate the discounted price and print it.
Temperature Conversion: Prompt the user to enter a temperature in Celsius, convert it to Fahrenheit, and print the result.
String Manipulation: Prompt the user to enter a string, convert it to uppercase, and print the result.
Calculate GPA: Prompt the user to enter grades for three subjects, calculate the GPA, and print it.
Find Maximum and Minimum: Prompt the user to enter five numbers separated by spaces, find and print the maximum and minimum numbers.
Check Prime Number: Prompt the user to enter a number, check if it's prime, and print "Prime" or "Not Prime" accordingly.
Reverse String: Prompt the user to enter a string, reverse it, and print the result.
Shopping Cart: Implement a simple shopping cart where the user can enter the name and price of items until they enter "done". Print the total cost.
Count Characters: Prompt the user to enter a sentence, count the number of characters (excluding spaces), and print the count.
Generate Multiplication Table: Prompt the user to enter a number, generate its multiplication table from 1 to 10, and print it.
Factorial Calculation: Prompt the user to enter a number, calculate its factorial, and print the result.
Check Palindrome: Prompt the user to enter a word, check if it's a palindrome, and print "Palindrome" or "Not Palindrome" accordingly.
Sorting Array: Prompt the user to enter five numbers separated by spaces, sort them in ascending order, and print the sorted array.
Binary to Decimal Conversion: Prompt the user to enter a binary number, convert it to decimal, and print the result.
Word Count: Prompt the user to enter a paragraph, count the number of words, and print the count.
Create Calendar: Prompt the user to enter a month and year, then print the calendar for that month.
These problem statements cover a wide range of scenarios, from simple input/output tasks to more complex calculations and manipulations.
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